Arc 2 – page 16
Larkin said:
Well maybe he'll be noticed from a missing report.... or maybe the leafling could come to his rescue somehow? To bad shroom caps aren't build in umbrellas or parachutes.... R.I.P little guy
Our scout will be remembered. this narrator will not let them forget him.
Tyrone 2 Chainz said:
Ahight' the army not looking strong, rn. But maybe our minion can safely get back to base and report his findings. Maybe we should train some mushy's with edgy doom armor to regain some reputation.
Edgy armor may not change our troop’s morale, to be honest… but maybe that helps a bit for the fear factor of our enemies!
15charactername said:
praying that our little mush lands on something soft… like a pair of breasts!
Thas kind of asks for a miracle precious viewer.
Look a that! Miracles can happen 15charactername! we can only hope the hooded figure is not malicious now.