Ophiquest Christmas Recap
It’s two days until we have to ring in the new year, and the mushminions are almost done taking down the Christmas decorations (Which we didn’t show you, but trust me they were there).

The cold season has arrived and so we began construction on a lair for the mushminions where they can live (And share a comfortable bed with the followers!)

The construction is going well, it should take only one more post for it to get done. By the way, it seems the high concentration mushrooms has attracted some interesting creatures!

Oh? Who’s this little cutie?

No you fool, don’t!!
*caution! audio!*

Well, here we go…

I need to teach that bunny not to touch weird animals, she has to be more careful if she wants to be the vessel of our lord!

Should we do something?

Uuuh… Nah, it will pass in a few hours and all she’ll feel is maybe a sore butthole and a weird sense of shame.

Cool! Can I try that next?

No way! Good girls don’t take drugs!

Meanwhile at the lab, the reclusive Elgor has some interesting company.

By studying the culture of the Mousekin and the effects of the Hearth on their bodies, we might gain some insight on how to adapt it to our advantage! Perhaps Even build some of their famous brothels on our tower. They are, after all, legendarily famous money-makers!
But for now, from myself and everyone in the tower, we wish all of you a very happy new year! Please tune in 2020 where we’ll surely have many more interesting developments in the story of our dear blonde bunny and her quest as the finds her own motivations to become the Lucernia’s greatest overlord!