Shipping the priest
Welcome one and welcome all, to another rendition of Ophi’s Quest! I’ve returned from a rather brief naval education to deliver our first shipborne battle properly. As I recall, dear Lupin had just called us for some rather desperate help. His desperadoes-styled mushies appear to lack the power to breach the frankly over-leveled- priest’s shield.

Help! Swing by with some mushies or something,

I need help, NOW!

Already on the way.

Ceres, take forward command!


Mush! Mu!
Well, two heroes and a bunch of infantry. Certainly could be much worse.
Below, on our gun deck, the smoke finally wafts out the newly made portholes. The edges smolder with an orange glow. The smell of sandalwood wafts through the air, which is particularly strange because I don’t think that kind of wood grows here.

I’m alright, We’re aight.

Hot and steamy, but the boys are toughing it out.


Yeah, and we are losing control, Captain.

I know that, I have EYES.

Hey, You! Yeah, you dove fetishist, Get the fuck out of here, this isn’t your island anymore!

Oh, certainly this island is not yours either, you lowly filth.

I’m sorry?! Do you see her shield dropping?

NO! She’s an overpowered pigeon with stupid bullshit powers.

Tael! Can we do it?

Nay, brushing the edge of the astral already captain! And she’s in the way of getting back to the isle.

Right, right be annoying, I can do that.

Keep aim gunners, if you see a shot take it.


Oi, Ms Ittie Bittie Tittie!

You’re banter is falling a little flat.

So you are some sort of pr-east then?

What was pr-south already taken.

Ha, that’s actually kinda funny.
By god, she finds Lupin funny.

I am funny!
Well, let’s do the math. Let’s call the paladin an ideal sphere in a frictionless vacuum. He’s like two meters tall, so 1 meter radius. We can project his trajectory as a parabolic arc, where the position he was launched from is (0,0,0). Let the vector towards the priest be (1,1,1). Consider the force of gravity, wait how hard did we hit him?
Ah, it looks like he literally left the gravity of our island from the force of the blow.

Didn’t get bloody well finished, something about getting attacked out of nowhere made it a rush job, didn’t it?

Right! She’s a servant of Lucia, she wont attack her own citizens.

Hard to port!

Capt’n we are still losing height!

Do a drifting hover, like that time in Gurban!
With preternatural skill, the smuggler’s vessel sinks at an almost leisurely pace. Quick sharp reorientation keeps the prow from digging through the buildings that choke the air of the city.

Guns fall silent as even our mushies are conscripted in a heroic act of sailing, almost beautiful. Tacking sharper than I thought was even possible.

Ha! Can’t use that stupid laser now! Too many innocents behind us!

There are no innocents anymore!

Not in this city!

This entire city must be purged!

What? Where have I heard that before…

How can you think that? Aren’t you the good guys!?

Ophi! Little genocider here is going to kill everyone!

We are on the way!

I’m buff, but not that buff. She’s like at least two meters up.
More like twenty Donk.

That’s more than two.
… Fair point.

Aint got a fancy gun, but I can see the cavalry.

Metaphorically, of course, no one doing any riding down there.

Ah yes, all our dudes. Here let me count up all the units we got. Twenty of those, eight- no ten, I see you sneaky bugger- of them.

Archers! I want a 45-degree concave! Infantry screen for them.

Thank fuck you’ve caught up, I don’t look good with a sunburn.

But it’s lasers, wouldn’t that just be a burn?
I mean technically it is raw light magic, so you could argue- You know what, let’s not get into that right now. Seems not that important.

Do you feel that Hana? That’s too much magic for theurgy right?

Absolutely, far too heavy and cloying. She’s a dangerous cockatiel.

Of course, couldn’t be a normal priest. That would be too fair.

Ludicrous, my purity is far beyond any filth you peasants could generate.
Wait. I didn’t repeat that to her. She’s not on our side, but she can hear us?

Fuck off, not only is she more powerful then a mere priest, she’s also medium aware?


Since when could you do that?!

Whenever you’re looking at me I suppose.

This is a problem…


I consider it quite a boon.

Larhamal, you should have remained forgotten? How many centuries do you think we spent building an empire of purity, unity, and of peace?! You are naught but a foul beast chained to your basest urges. The light-

We need to breach her barrier!

You are a fool to believe in the Light!

Ah yes, allow me to demonstrate!
A sharp keening noise builds as the sudden stench of lavender and sage wafts off the priest.

Stars dim, outshined by the magics wielded today. Concentrated Light, fueled with tyranny and fed by righteousness builds at the priest’s staff.

Let his city pay for your sins, Larhamal!

Wait! Her mana is being spent to attack. Look, her barrier has weakened.

Still greater than any cantrip you’ve cast, witch.

Focus up! Beam incoming!
Uh, let’s fix that quickly eh? Not being sun burnt seems like a good call.

I wasn’t talking to you! Would you shut up and stop replying to me?!

On it bosses! Bossi? More than one Boss!
From deep in the hold, Lupin’s personal mirror is hefted like it weighed nothing.

With a dash back above deck, the mirror springs up just in time to catch the laser before it hits the ship.

Degenerate tricks, I tire of them.

Ophi, Now!

The shield cracks with the sounds of glass, as it shunts to the side in the face of near overwhelming power. Yet the priest floats peacefully in the barrier, unperturbed.

Is this all your precious tower can do?

More power Lar!


Go go Ophi, you can do it! Destroy the fake crown!

Yeah! Let it all out Larhamal, unleash the monster!



Prow down by 45!

Captain, that’ll crash us!

We are going to crash anyway, but we aren’t going down alone!

Brace for impact!

Grab my hand little shrooms!

With deceiving swiftness, the ship lost altitude straight into the priest’s damned barrier.

The envelope of it bulged, struggling to endure the raw mass of the massive prow. The gossamer cracks bloomed back with vengeance, threatening to unleash a full load of Lupin’s ship onto her.

How- How heavy is this damn ship?

Lupin! Jump to the ground, we’ll cover you!

Tael, Pudding, Donk, you heard the lady; abandon ship before we go down on her!

Hold on little dudes, this is a big drop!

Mush Mu!
Before even a mote of mana can flow back into the priest’s shield, a feral growl broke through the air.

An odd purple creature burst out from the shadows, with crimson hair and long almost bunny-like ears. It swiped at the priest, sending her bouncing out from under the ship. Never quite enough to pierce through for full damage, but more than enough



What the fuck?

Is this your minion?

It’s not yours?

For the love of Me, we already have wild withers.


Well, there is a reason we use the hearth, this is what happens when untamed lust is allowed to concentrate. From overuse of Lust artifacts.

Wait, so that’s Bleu?
The newly spawned wither pounces after the priest, some primal hatred for purity spurring it on. Each strike sends the priest spinning around the field, smashing through minions on her way. Scores of our mushies are sent flying through the air, like very cute bowling pins.

NO! Not the cuties!

Girl! They have plenty of resistance, they are going to be fine. Us on the other hand….

Fuck! This was not the plan!

Yeah welcome to the club buddy, this sucks massive dick.
The priest finally banishes her bowling ball of a shield, freeing herself from the cruel mistress of knockback and hit stun. It would appear having a shield bigger than you are, sucks , if you are still victim to the knockback your shield takes.

Silence cretin!
… Rude.

Witness the consequences of your DEGENERACY! See what you have done to this city! To these-

We get it, you are a self-righteous bitch. News at 11: Lucia hires absolutely lunatics.

Cute. Then remember this!

I am Archpriest Gabriela, Sworn of the Purest Light, Blessed of the Five Winds, Bearer of the Frost-

Get to the point you bloody pelican.

I will enjoy burning your filth from this world.

We have you surrounded, you are decently damaged and we outnumber and outgun you. How do you see yourself getting out of this?
Ophi no! You didn’t just give her that leverage. Now she’ll pull an obnoxious scheming villain retreat, then raise a squad of hybrid soldiers in a desert world then reveal her story breaking power to control everyone’s perception that reasonably should have let her win instantly.

Like this?

Lucia, beam me out.


Sorry? I think?
Well it’s fine, and now she’s not here I can talk a bit more. A small blessing, but I think I deserve one. Also, when do I get crazy powers to just beam my units out before they die? Gabriela is annoying as shit. Also, we have to deal with Bleu, but at least Bleu doesn’t eavesdrop.
… Next time we fight Gabriela…. I’m not saying I’ll let you unleash more codes. But I appear to be coming down with some sort of selective blindness. You know. Hint hint, nudge nudge. Cheaters never prosper unless they fuck Gabriela up, and all that.

Yet here we are, the last final spark of resistance from the bosom of Bleu. Transformed by her overuse of our magics, transformed into a hot wither. However will-

Wait hot?
I mean I have eyes, Ophi. Bleu was already very hot, red hair you know how it is, and now she’s got those hands.

But you’re supposed to be on our side!
I am on your side. We just have a track record of having some rather fun moments with defeated foes, and I am looking forward to this one.

Amen, brother, a-fucking-men.

Don’t stick your dick in crazy, Jotariel of all of us you should know this.
Well, readers, if you happen to have any brilliant insights, please share. You’ve helped us greatly in the past. Just because it’s the final fight with all our strongest units is no reason to give up and let them win. Remember to send your actions so we can finally finish this situation!
Again, thank you for our patrons and supporters, and here comes the voted patreon pic of Wendy having fun with vines:

Big baddie time!