Not so fast

While the mushminions are a sort of hivemind by themselves, we still need Ceres to talk to them to order them around.
Well, there were men in the Brothel, but the artist sent us a note saying he canβt draw dudes in his style yet, so weβve retconned them out of existence.
I think you took the wrong turn at the high school of the dead crossing, go straight until you reach the raccoon city highway and then turn right….
Back to the story though!
“caution, loud alarm audio!”
Sounds like a good plan but…

The girls are exausted, we cant bring them with us! π

Ophi doesn’t have that ability, this the best we could do:

Yes, rum. Now can we please get on with it? We’re running out of panels!

This is it! It’s Lily’s house! I hope she’s home… Let’s go around, her workshop is in the back.

Who’s there? Ophi? Ophi!! I thought you had fled the island! How are you here? Are the sirens because of you? Wait, what are you… *wearing?*

You’re not much better yourself, lassie

Shush Cinder.


Sorry, Lily, there’s no time to explain! I need you to help me fix a machine I found in an old ruined tower!

If I may interject, I don’t believe helping a fugitive escape town is a good idea.

It talks!!!!

Oh yes! Ophi, this is Dias. Short for L.U.D.I.A.S. (Lily’s Ultimate Do-It-All Steambot) Mark II.

Ophi: Mark II? It hasn’t been that long since I left town, what happened to Mark I?

Well….. Let’s just say it’s first experimentation wasn’t so successful…

Anyway, what kind of machine is it?

Well… It’s a big black tower… And it works with a huge crystal…

Hmmm… Machinery from the Crystal Age… I definitely want to see that, it’s amazing that it still works!

We’ll have to find a way to get out of town though…

Don’t worry, Dias here is very well armored!


That will help for sure.
Now we need to get out of the city … and fast

Good, maybe now we can get out of this town, the alarm is giving me a headache. Oh wait, don’t tell me…

Not so fast, mon cherri!

Oooh shit…

Crap, crap, crap, It’s Bleu!

What’s up with these people showing up at the end of the post?!
Well now. This looks interesting.
Oh no, men have been retconned. Poor boys, never able to appreciate Ophis’ future rule.
Is that only for men or for all forms of penises? Asking now so I don’t bring this up later.
well we certanly will have monsters and other humanoid creatures, im still working on dat π
Okay, so why does Bleu sound/look so familiar?