The mushroom minions
You have an inkling that the merchant guild’s debt collectors won’t be scared by a bunch of tiny shroom-people

Let’s get down! I must know why my wonderful army is now a bunch of *fluffy* mushrooms!

As much as I’d love to, I don’t see a way down.

What do you mean you don’t see it, it’s right there, girl!

You are absolutely sure that wasn’t there before, but for the sake of continuity you decide not to say anything

My mighty army used to have all kinds of evil monsters! Dragons, goblins, demons, politicians… Even telemarketers!

But are those mushrooms really part of an army? They look like they couldn’t harm a fly

What are you talking about? They can multiply themselves in days, and recover from harm in hours, they’re the perfect frontline army!

Hm, I guess they really are pretty strong…
Surely enough, entering the door with the sign brings you down to the floor you wanted, although you have no idea how you got there.

But they’re SO CUTE!!!

Not as many as before, but there’s still a lot of them.

So… If I’m wearing you, does that mean they take orders from me now? Let’s see… Come on everyone raise your hands!

So… do these guys have a leader that I can talk to?

Yeah… they do.